
The proteome is a reflection of the control system between the different cells and the different organs. It is specific to each of us. The serumal proteome is the meeting point of genetic and environmental influences on the human body (parasites, bacteria, viruses) but also dietary or linked to pollutions and of course therapeutic influences.

The complexity of the human body results less from the number of genes, than the number of proteins that preside over their synthesis: the human body has about 30,000 genes but is made up of hundreds of thousands of different proteins, maybe even several million. It is these proteins that do the “job”, they are the “factory workers” : they play the essential role of attentive witnesses, or lynch pins of the physiological and pathological processes of our body, and give human beings their personal characteristics. "Genes contain the information required for life, but proteins make things happen."1 An increase or decrease in the quantity of certain proteins in the blood plasma can therefore show our state of health

Serum is a colloid, proteins in an aqueous suspension. To respond to the need for intelligence in the field of bioanalysis, reduce the complexity, and offer, right now, an accessible tool to the P4 medical corps, we offer a formal representation in a “V” curve, of the colloid logic, as a descriptive mechanism of life “which allows, by crossing the data, to make certainties emerge, and therefore to make predictions, on the basis of statistical observations, detecting trends2.


From four families of tests (glycoproteins, lipoproteins, alcaline proteins and large alcalin tests), we have developped four categories of tests and, for eachu them, an hypo or hyper position.

The tests or parameters are divided into four groups of proteins, according to their isoelec-tric point (pHi):

  • the acid tests (green) relating to the glycoproteins (GP)
  • the neutral tests (red) relating to the lipoproteins (LP)
  • the alkaline tests (blue) relating to the immunoglobulins (IG)
  • the broad spectrum tests (purple) relating to GP + LP + IG

The different groups of tests, identifiable by their colour, give the degree of activity of the corresponding sections of our biological activity3:

Tests Decreased Increased
Schéma d'interprétation
GP Cellular immunity, first line of defence
Surplus deposit: drainage functions have been weakened
Most frequent complaint: tiredness.
Inflammatory state
LP Food, management and control
The nervous system is the most important factor here
Almost always a nervous system with weakened reactions The level involved can change :
digestive system, liver, blood circulation, nervous system
IG Endogenous humoral immunity, often in hormonal form
IgG Exogenous humoral immunity, immune memory.
Oppression of the acquired defence e.a. auto-immune diseases


The proteome reveals the infra-molecular life with the fundamental principle of the precession of serumal biological phenomena over clinical phenomena. Therefore, functional proteomic analysis requires no determining precondition. The expression profile in response to disruption is a predictive and preventive tool that has become a systematic first-line necessity in the same way as the clinical examination. The Proetomis profile serves as a basis for the communication between the physician and his patient 4,5.

The proteomics clinic of CEIA is the first example of its practical application, which today appears to be a new paradigm for medicine. It is participating in a new concept; personalised medicine or P4: “before, we would prescribe “the same medicine for all patients” (one fits all) however today, we are evolving towards the notion of “a medicine made to measure for each patient” (in other words, targeted treatment). We are aiming to prescribe the right medicine to the right patient at the right dose and at the right time. We find ourselves confronted with more and more complex clinical tables induced, amongst other things, by genetic and environmental factors, as well as certain lifestyles (epigenetic). This means that it is not a simple task to discover the causes and determine the necessary biomarkers that will be sufficiently specific and informative”.6


1. Richards J.H., (2001), Prof. Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, California Institute of Technology, From Proteomics to Modern Medicine: Understanding the Pathways of the Next Revolution in Biotechnology, NYAS .
2. Sillion, F. (2014). Rencontre Inria-Industrie : Bio-informatique et outils numériques pour les produits de santé.
3. Fischer, S., Herbosch, S., & Sauer, H. (2007). Funktionelle Proteomik - Krankheitsursachen frühzeitig erkennen und gezielt behandeln. Elsevier.
4. Bezot J.F. (2014) Quels examens biologiques demander en Médecine Anti-Age? La protéomique en question, Journal de Médecine Esthétique et de Chirurgie Dermatologique.
5. Reymond, E. (1999). La Méthode du CEIA ou l'Analyse du Vivant. Bruxelles: Satas.
6. GLEMS Magazine n° 104 August-September 2011.