
A food intolerance is an abnormal reaction of the digestive system to one or more foods or types of food that you eat. There are many reasons for this...

69,00 €

A food intolerance is an abnormal reaction of the digestive system to one or more foods or types of food that you eat. There are many reasons for this...

118,00 €

A food intolerance is an abnormal reaction of the digestive system to one or more foods or types of food that you eat. There are many reasons for this...

190,00 €

Cortisol is considered a marker of stress. We propose a 4-point profile, from waking up to bedtime.

95,00 €

Order a sample kit for a cortisol profile here. We will send you all the material for the saliva recollection and the shipment immediately. This kit contains :

10,00 €

Order a blood sampling kit for one of the primary tests here. We will send you all the material for the blood test and the shipment immediately. This kit contains :

10,00 €

Most of the reactions involved in cellular processes are regulated by enzymatic reactions that require trace elements for proper functioning. We propose a profile of essential nutritional trace elements.

63,00 €

Presented in graphic form, the results give a dynamic and global picture of the patient's state of health. Proteomis thus makes it possible to propose adequate and personalised therapeutic orientations.

Order your analysis here.


Only one dry blood tube is required. Fasting blood sample.

1 dry tube (without anticoagulants) of 7.5 ml, gold cap.

Don't forget to order your sampling kit if necessary.

For more information...

142,00 €

Order a sample kit for a Proteomis profile here. We will send you all the material for the blood test and the shipment immediately. This kit contains :

10,00 €

Order a sample kit for a Proteomis profile here. We will send you all the material for the blood test and the shipment immediately. This kit contains :

20,00 €

Order a sampling kit for a food intolerance test (22 or 40 foods) here. We will send you all the material for the blood test and the shipment immediately. This kit contains :

10,00 €

Order a capillary sampling kit (fingertip sampling) for a food intolerance test (22 or 40 foods) here. We will send you all the material for the blood test and the shipment immediately. This kit contains :

10,00 €

Some trace elements can be toxic and interfere with enzymatic reactions necessary for cellular processes.

49,00 €

Some trace elements can be toxic and interfere with enzymatic reactions necessary for cellular processes.

It is therefore important to assess potential exposure to toxic elements.

94,00 €

Most of the reactions involved in cellular processes are regulated by enzymatic reactions that require trace elements for proper functioning. Some elements, however, can be toxic and interfere with enzymatic reactions.

It is therefore important to assess nutritional deficiencies and possible exposure to toxic elements.

120,00 €

Most of the reactions involved in cellular processes are regulated by enzymatic reactions that require trace elements for proper functioning. Some elements, however, can be toxic and interfere with enzymatic reactions.

It is therefore important to assess nutritional deficiencies and possible exposure to toxic elements.

165,00 €